REFERENCES AND QUOTES Philosophy 2021 We are equals - References and quotes BIENS history of basic income citat från människor. Wistis gif om afrikatjejer. THINKING IN SYSTEMS – A PRIMER successful

THE EMPATHIC CIVILIZATION: THE RACE TO GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN A WORLD IN CRISIS: THE RACE TO GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN A WORLD IN CRISIS 40, 41, 90, 160 “If every human life, the species as a whole, and all other life-forms are entwined with one another and with the geochemistry of the planet in a rich and complex choreography that sustain life itself, then we are all dependent on and responsible for the health of the whole organism.” 598, 599 Common plight in climate change makes us recognize our shared humanity. We share a common planet and we are all affected  collective action sense of affiliation with the entire biosphere will we have a chance. Biopshere concisousness. 616 I THE ECONOMICS OF THE COMING SPACESHIP EARTH 10, THE ENTROPY LAW AND THE ECONOMIC PROCESS IN RETROSPECT 12, CREATIVE CITIZEN, CREATIVE STATE: THE PRINCIPLED AND PRAGMATIC CAS FOR A UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME BIEN Vives, “All these things God created, He put them in our large home, the world, without surrounding them with walls and gates, so that they would be common to all His children.” Hence, unless he helps those in need, whoever has appropriated some of the gifts of nature” is only a thief condemned by natural law, because he occupies and keeps what nature has not created exclusively for himself”
Paine, “It is a position not to be controverted, he writes, that the earth, in its natural, uncultivated state was, and ever would have continued to be, the common property of the human race.” Payments, Paine insists, should be made “to every person, rich or poor”, “because it is in lieu of the natural inheritance, which, as a right, belongs to every man, over and above the property he may have created, or inherited from those who did”
Fourier, Fourier argues that the violation of each person’s fundamental natural right to hunt, fish, pick fruit and let her/his cattle graze on the commons implies that “civilization” owes subsistence to everyone unable to meet her/his needs, in the form of a sixth class hotel room and three modest meals a day.”
Charlier and territorial dividend “Undoubtedly inspired by the Fourierist tradition, he saw the equal right to the ownership of land as the foundation of an unconditional right to some income.”
Bertrand Russel, Anarchism has the advantage as regards liberty, Socialism as regards the inducement to work. Can we not find a method of combining these two advantages? It seems to me that we can. […] Stated in more familiar terms, the plan we are advocating amounts essentially to this: that a certain small income, sufficient for necessaries, should be secured to all, whether they work or not, and that a larger income – as much larger as might be warranted by the total amount of commodities produced – should be given to those who are willing to engage in some work which the community recognizes as useful…When education is finished, no one should be compelled to work, and those who choose not to work should receive a bare livelihood and be left completely free.”
Cole,"Current productive power is, in effect, a joint result of current effort and of the social heritage of inventiveness and skill incorporated in the stage of advancement and education reached in the arts of production; and it has always appeared to me only right that all the citizens should share in the yield of this common heritage, and that only the balance of the product after this allocation should be distributed in the form of rewards for, and incentives to, current service in production." “There is therefore no moral justification for claiming that one generation has any more right to natural resources, the building blocks of the economy, than any other.” ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS – PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS We are here by chance (Born by chance into one generation time and as Georgescu-Roegen says THE ENTROPY LAW AND THE ECONOMIC PROCESS IN RETROSPECT 12, 13, then the same goes for people born into one place) “There is therefore no moral justification for claiming that one generation has any more right to natural resources, the building blocks of the economy, than any other.” Future and current generations have same right. Future amount of resources depend on technological and ecological change and is a ethical decision dealing with uncertainty. 313 Would Bill gates be Bill gates in Mocambique, Subsaharian Bill? 445 I ARBETSSAMHÄLLET – HUR ARBETET ÖVERLEVDE TEKNOLOGIN Belief in being chosen 31 Importance of inheritance 32 33, I THINKING IN SYSTEMS – A PRIMER Success to the successful Luck of landing on a square. See importance of inheritance in ARBETSSAMHÄLLET – HUR ARBETET ÖVERLEVDE TEKNOLOGIN 32 127 Selfpresevation in diversity 160.
We are equals We are also kind and social beings